Federal Skilled Workers

Study Permits

Post Graduation Work Permits

Work Permits


Investment Immigration

Provincial Nomination Programs (PNP)

Family Sponsorship


Criminal Rehabilitation


U.S. Visa & Immigration Service

Study Permits

To study in Canada, a foreign national must have a letter of acceptance from a qualifying Canadian school, adequate funds to cover the cost of living while in Canada, pass a medical exam (for students who’ve spent time in certain countries), and satisfy an immigration officer that he/she will not stay in Canada illegally after completion of their studies. Goldyear Business Group will work closely with you to find the best school and best program of study for your current and future immigration needs (graduates from certain schools and programs in Canada are eligible for permanent residence in a number of new categories). We will assist you in obtaining a letter of acceptance from the school you will attend and teach you how best to satisfy an immigration officer that you will obey the conditions of your study permit. At some Canadian schools it is possible for a student to work and study at the same time. We can arrange for both a work & study permit for those who wish to attend these types of schools. Please contact us to learn more about the immigration requirements for international students.